Thursday, October 9, 2014


No...not me! 

Just wanted to share that I updated the "looks" of the blog. So "no" you're not in the wrong spot!  As I am coming up on my blogg-aversay, Yes, I'm making this a word... I wanted to give the blog a little bit of a new & fresh look. About this time last year we were telling family, friends, and my elementary school that we were moving overseas.  Hard to believe:

(A) We've been here for 10 months
(B)  It has been a year since we made the big decision to move over here.

Time flies when you're having fun, right? 

Anywho, for all my avid readers, let me know if this makes it better or worse to read from your device of choice!

Short and sweet post, doesn't sound like me, does it?

Onto the next adventure...

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