Monday, March 30, 2015

When Nature Calls

No, not that kind of nature calling...

On Saturday, we woke up early to head to the Lake District with our American friends, Julie and Andrew, who are living an hour and a half south of us.   We haven't been able to do much with them lately, because our traveling schedules have not been lining up.  Jeff visited them back on February when I was back in the states, so I was looking forward to our weekend together. 

We had to drive about 3.5 hours to get to this beautiful area.  The drive was absolutely awful, in my opinion.  Normal people would have said it was breathtaking, but I couldn't focus on the scenery as I felt ill.  Ever since I have been little I have gotten motion sickness when riding in cars (not so much on planes or boats).  The extra curvy roads that goes miles upon end are torturous on normal English roads, but they were 10x worse up in the Lake District.  I really wish I would have videotaped part of the drive, so you could see just how bad they whipped around.  I tried look for a video clip online, but wasn't impressed with what I found. Too bad.  But anyway, I wasn't feeling well the entire trip, and then when Andrew said 5 minutes left.  I couldn't make it.  We had to pull the car over...Make an inference on what happened as I did not take a picture and I will not describe it more.  I didn't feel myself the rest of the day, and that was good I guess given it was pouring down rain the entire time we were there. Well, except for an hour window, but more on that soon.

We didn't have a lot on the agenda other than hiking around and boating. Finding a place to stay for the night was a bit of a challenge, given the whole area is a giant national park.  The B&B we booked was really cute and right on one of the lakes, so the scenery was just gorgeous.  Although, the clouds and fog made the pictures not as beautiful as I had hoped.  Our favorite were the little lambs that had recently entered the world.  So stinkin' cute!!  Once we settled in, we hopped back in the car to drive to this cute little restaurant.
 Aren't they adorable?
The mommas were not too sure about us taking pictures. They were "baaing" at us for a while.
The B&B was nice.  Definitely not the best water pressure/shower I have ever taken. But cozy and quaint for sure!

Since the rain had stopped for the time being, we went on some trails nearby in hopes to get on a ferry to ride across the lake to a small village.  The walk was nice, although very muddy.  It wasn't raining during this portion, so we all enjoyed just being outside for a bit.  We decided to get tickets for the ferry, but just our luck, the ferry wasn't going that day because the water was too rough.  So no ferry ride for us.  We made our way back to the B&B to see if we could rent a boat there (they had row boats to rent).  Unfortunately, timing wasn't our friend here as they said by the time we filled out the paper work we'd have about 10 minutes on the water then we would have to be back at the dock (5:00 rule).  So, we were pretty much striking out due to the weather.
 The view from the road that led to the B&B (which is the white building)
 Not many pictures of us on this trip due to the rain.
The row boats we were wanting to get on. Bummer.

We headed back into the B&B and sat around the fire to just chat.  An early dinner was in our future.  We ate at a fantastic pub, although the food and atmosphere was not your typical English pub.  We all had excellent food and great company.  Not much to do at night in this area, given it is just nature so Jeff, Andrew, and Julie went down to sit by the fire, play some games, and just relax.  I wasn't feeling well after the dinner car ride, so I went to sleep (lame, I know).  We woke up to a yummy English breakfast at our B&B, and jumped back on the road again.  I found a motion sickness pill in my bag, so I was in heaven on the way home!  Although, we didn't do much during out time there, I'm glad we had good friends with us and beautiful scenery.

Sidenote: "Spring Forward" happened over here yesterday, so we're back to a 5 hour time difference for my Indiana friends/family, and a 6+ hour for my Chicago peeps!  We prefer the 5 hour difference over the 4 for some reason.  Not sure why.  Anyway...have a great week!

On to the next adventure...


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