Thursday, December 12, 2013

Sad Day....

So on Monday I sadly had to sit my 23 little 8 year olds down to tell them the difficult news that I was not returning after winter break. I didn't expect to get so emotional. I pride myself in not showing too much emotion, but I completely broke down. I told them the news, and the whole room broke down in tears. We continued to pass tissues around as I told them more about the experience and answered questions from "Are you going to come visit us?" all the way to "What do you eat on a plane?"

Now a few days later they have been asking more procedural questions. They are curious about how their education might change. I'm extremely happy that one of my best friends will be taking my position. She is not only an amazing friend, but a phenomenal educator. I'm happy for her to have this opportunity in her career.

Now...onto packing!

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