Friday, December 27, 2013

Only a Few More Days

Well said the next round of I'm one of those lucky people that consider my family as my best friends. I know some may find that odd, but I was truly blessed with the best family.

We enjoyed another round of Christmas. It was nice to see everyone. Hard to believe we won't see many of these people for a year and a half.

It does have a bittersweet feeling, because how amazing is it that we get to experience living overseas. I need to hold onto the positive. I am very excited to soon announce the first trip...
...but you'll have to wait. ;)

Here are the final pictures of our house in Indy and the storage unit. So funny that it all fit (classroom items included!). It still makes me want to get rid of things, but I keep telling myself that the furniture is taking up all the room!

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