Wednesday, March 26, 2014

It is Called a What?!

As I am slowly learning the new foods here in the UK, I stumbled upon this online and thought I would share. I feel this would have been nice to know before I came over here. I've looked like a goober a few times asking for certain items in the grocery store and them looking at me as if I am speaking a different language.

A few more funny named foods, which I am sure these would only be funny to friends in the states:
  • Welsh Rabbit: Grilled cheese without the bread on top and added ale, mustard, or Worcestershire sauce
  • Bubble & Squeak: Mashed potatoes and vegetables cooked golden on the stove (hub)
  • Cullen Stink: Smoked haddock and potato
  • Stargazy Pie: Fish heads (with the eyes) in a pasty crust. Are you gagging like I am?
  • Singing Hinnies: Cake or a scone
  • Spotted Dick: Cake with raisins
  • Angels on Horseback: Oysters wrapped in bacon and grilled
  • Jam Roly Poly or Dead Man's Arm: Cake filled with jam. As you probably guessed, red jam!
  • Love in Disguise: Stuffed calf's heart. Ew. Vomit. Sick. Gross. 
  • Toad in a Hole: Sausages in a pastry casserole
Now, I dare you to look up a couple of these pictures, especially the Stargazy Pie. 

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