Thursday, July 10, 2014

6 months down, 12 to go!

I meant to post this about 2 weeks ago, but the excitement of heading home must have "gotten in the way". Enjoy and look out for a lot of catch-up posts soon!

This experience is going so quickly, and we cannot believe how much we've been through and been able to experience in just 6 short months.  In honor of this, we created a Top 6 list of our favorite things, and a Top 6 of our least favorite things about our adventure so far. Our lists are in no particular order of importance, just a general bests/worsts list.

Let's start with the "Worsts"...

Top 6: The Worsts
  1. Missing family & friends
  2. Laundry (3-day process)
  3. Lots of rainy & windy days
  4. Television programming
  5. Leaving Mackey behind when we travel
  6. Inability to find favorite U.S foods
Top 6: The Bests
  1. Quality time with each other
  2. All of our traveling opportunities
  3. Street food & beer
  4. Always eating somewhere new
  5. Public transportation
  6. Great work experience for Jeff
There have definitely been more "Bests" than "Worsts", and Top 6: Bests list was easier to make than the "Worsts". We have been truly blessed with this amazing experience.  It is crazy to think we are "running out of time" to complete our Travel Wish List.  Including England & the US, 9 countries in six months...we'll see how much that changes at the Bests/Worsts of our 12 month list. 

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