Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Exploring Our City with Great Friends

Last weekend we were able to visit our great friends that moved to Cambridge (about 2 hours south of us).  We were able to explore their city, and this weekend they came to explore our city with us!  Andrew & Julie got here on Saturday night, so we took them to a pub we've been meaning to try for a while. It has been on my crazy long list of "Restaurants to Visit" for our short time in Nottingham.  The pub was called Pitcher & Piano.  The pub was in an old church that was restored.  It was beautiful as it still had the stained glass windows.  They added a really pretty bar area in the center of the church as well as 2 levels of seating.  Great environment & food! We went into a few more pubs and "club/restaurants" until the clock hit midnight and us old people had to run home.

On Sunday, we took Julie and Andrew on a tour around Nottingham.  We stopped by the Nottingham Castle, a pub for a Bloody Mary I had been excited to see a parade that was happening through Nottingham.  There was a Caribbean Festival that we were not planning on going to, but I wanted to see the parade leading up to it.  It was supposed to start at 3 PM, and everyone was lined up patiently awaiting the arrival of the parade. I don't think the parade showed up in our spot until closer until 4.  We watched for a little bit, got caught the in rain, and then headed back to the flat.  Pretty chill weekend.

I've gotten pretty behind on my blog posts as I have been trying to enjoy all of my time with family and friends. This post was from 3 weekends ago! Look out for quite a few posts here in the next 2 weeks. I'll try not to overwhelm you all...

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