Monday, January 19, 2015

Update: Mackey!

I got to thinking...I have not talked about Mackey in a while. I thought I would give my loyal readers a little glimpse into what is going on with him.

Over the last year, Mackey has gained a bit of weight. Many of you that know him, will see the change when we bring him back.  Since our flat is smaller, and we do not have 2 sets of stairs, therefore he doesn't get the amount of exercise that he did when living the states.
 My mom sent Mackey a Christmas present, and he played so hard with it---that he ripped off all the fins in about 10 minutes from this fish toy.

He has done pretty well (or so we think) hanging in there while we are gone on our trips.  We try not to be gone more than a week, as that is the longest we want to leave him without someone checking on him.  Even a week, worries me.  We give him lots of food and water, so it seems to work.  When we get back, he is normally all over us.  Purring and laying on us. He is definitely a sweet and unique cat.  Being away, means that he thinks its okay to sleep on our pillows with us.  Within the last month, that has been his newest craze.  I wake up, and he is literally in my face---paws and all.

I will never regret bringing him over here, and neither will Jeff.  I think he has given us a great sense of home.  I know my parents would have not minded looking after him, but it would have made me pretty sad seeing him through Skype.  He only has a few more months until he has to take the big plane ride back, which I am dreading for him. He doesn't even know it is coming! I do not have as much paperwork to fill out to bring him back into the states. He is up to date with all of his shots, and I think he only needs to be checked at the vet before we leave and he's good to go to re-enter the country.

He is currently laying on my lap as I write this. Rough life, Mackey...rough life!

On to the next adventure...

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