Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wait, What?! It is 2015!

It's the year you've all been waiting for...well most of you, that is.

What a W.I.L.D and crazy year it has been?! I cannot believe we have lived abroad for a year now.  Where in the world did the year of 2014 go? I know that time has flown by, and probably for our loyal readers as well.  I know we have enjoyed all of the amazing trips we have taken, and cannot believe we the amount of countries we've been to:
  1. England
  2. Ireland
  3. Italy (2x)
  4. Greece
  5. Germany (2x)
  6. Czech Republic
  7. U.S.A  (2x)
  8. France (2x for Sarah)
  9. Scotland (2x)
  10. Spain
  11. Croatia
  12. Netherlands
  13. Belgium
All in one year...insane! We have been so incredibly lucky to travel to all of these places, and not to mention all of the mini-trips we have taken around England.  We still are checking a few more places off our To-Visit list and like I always say, running out of time to accomplish it all.

Here is a screenshot of our travel schedule.  The colors mean:
  • Green = Trips/events around the UK
  • Purple = Europe (outside UK)
  • Orange = Visitors
  • Gray = Chilled in our own city/home
  • Blue = U.S.A
  • Little Red Triangles = Notes on the event/location/activity

We have most of our big trips planned for our remaining time over here, and we are squeezing the other weekends with last minute local trips. We have decided to slow our trips down the last few months to prepare for the "real world". Maybe this will help ween you all off of my exciting blog posts. haha!

I'll leave you, like I did in my 6 month post, a "Best of..." list.  This time, a breakdown of Jeff's favorite destinations and then mine. Top we go!

6 + 6 = 12 (In my attempts to be artsy, 12 symbolizes our 12 month-iversary)

We hope you all had an amazing holiday season, and we wish you all the best for the year of 2015!  Hard to believe our adventure is almost over.  Exciting things happening in 2015, as we will be moving back to the states in the upcoming months.  We are already preparing for the big move, as there are many things that will need to be arranged before we get back. I mean a I even know what that is anymore? hehe

I leave you with homework, yes...homework, to check out our travel map to the right of the posts (might only be able to see if you're on a computer not a smartphone).  Pretty crazy to think we accomplished all of that in 2014. I think our bodies might shut down once we move home. Future couch potatoes...

On to the next first 2015 adventure...

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