Sunday, February 16, 2014

Go Panters, Go!

Saturday night we went to a Nottingham Panthers hockey game. It was a packed game, and we had a really good time sitting front row! We were up, close, and personal in the heat of the action, right by the glass. We were able to get really good views of a few fights out on the ice. Pretty hilarious to see them and hear the fans yelling.  At one point, I was just sitting there laughing because of the things the fans were yelling in their British accents.

Unfortunately, the panthers got their butts' kicked (1-3). We were happy to see that fans stayed through the entire game, although we knew they were going to lose. True loyalty. We had a few beers while we were there, and I had a footlong hotdog. Wasn't quite the same as my love for footlongs at ballparks in the US.

**Be expecting a Guest Blogger here sometime very soon. Hint: He is a boy, he lives with me, works at Rolls Royce, and his name is not Mackey. Get pumped!

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