Friday, February 28, 2014

The Best "Advert"

Jeff and I don't watch a lot of T.V. but this "advert" or "commercial" is the best! Not only do I love 80's music, but you add a kitten and a sweet little girl both singing "We Built This City"...and it officially becomes my favorite commercial ever. US friends, this is up there with the AT&T commercials with the group of little kids. Enjoy one of the UK's finest adverts below.

And the funny part about it, when it plays here we have no idea what they are even advertising for. I had to google it once I saw it to find that it is for a UK mobile phone company.


  1. That advert is so cute! I immediately started smiling watching it.

    1. Yeah, I just love it! Glad you enjoyed it as well.
