Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Jeff Made Me Drive

I knew this day would come. Jeff made me drive.

No pictures to post nor video. I was pretty nervous. Jeff told me "Well, we can drive around the parking lot for a while." I told him I didn't need help learning HOW to drive. I was nervous about the placement of the driver's seat and ya know...driving on the opposite side of the road! I continued to reach to the right for the shifter, which was always on my left. Other than that, I felt comfortable with the mechanics of the car.

Jeff said I did well. Although I was getting a few:
  "Ehhhh...get over, Sarah!"
"Watch your lines."
"I can't see in your mirrors, so I don't know if a car is coming."
"You're not going the speed limit, are you?"
"The bus is coming...get over."

Needless to say, we're safe.

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