Friday, January 10, 2014

Go Colts!

As many of you know, Jeff LOVES the Colts. He has been really disappointed that he was going to miss out on games...especially last Saturday's game.  Since we didn't have internet at that time, we knew he had to venture out. We went walking around "Notts" as many people like to call it in search of a sports bar.  We were about ready to give up, as we looked into a place to see not one but ALL of the T.V.s in the bar had the Colts' game on. We were so lucky! 

We were able to watch the game and have a few beers. I didn't think I'd be able to replace SunKing, but the Carlsburg beer was pretty good. Jeff looked like a crazy person as he was yelling at the T.V. just as he does at home. I think people learned to ignore him by the end of the game. We barely got to watch the nail biting ending as the "Last Call" lights came on around 1:00. Jeff and I were able to finish our beers and watch the end of the exciting game. Lucky us!

Wish us luck that we'll be able to watch the game tomorrow successfully, too! GO HORSE!

The pictures below are a little dark...but you can kind of make out that all the TVs have the game on. 

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