Monday, January 20, 2014

London Part 2: Buckingham Palace, St. James Park, Palace of Westminster

I didn't realize how much we actually did in our short amount of time as I am sitting here trying to organize the posts.

Next on our "Jeff Created Walking Tour", we saw Buckingham Palace. Of course, this place was beautiful. We missed the Changing of the Guards, but hoping to hit that the next time we visit London. You could tell this was a tourist spot because we couldn't find anyone who spoke English to take Jeff and I's picture in front of it. So please excuse the "selfie" we took below. :)


As we made our way to The Palace of Westminster, we walked through St. James's Park. This was the land of BIRDS. My goodness, they were everywhere! Pigeons, geese, and swans...oh my! There was also this crazy man feeding squirrels where they would climb up his leg and eat out of his palm. Weird. 

You can see the London Eye faintly in the background. More pictures of that to come!

The Palace of Westminster was our next spot. This was definitely one of our favorite spots from the day. We were able to take an hour and 15 minute tour inside. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take pictures, so we only have a few from the outside. We enjoyed this tour filled with gold decor, beautiful paintings, sculptures, and the places where parliament meets. We saw many of the places the Queen sits during her duties. Fun fact, the tower is not called "Big Ben". It is called the Elizabeth Tower, and the bell inside is Big Ben. 

It was only a little after 5 when this picture was taken. It gets dark around 4:15 here.

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