Sunday, January 26, 2014


Our trip to Stonehenge was...muddy! I thought I wore the right shoes this time, but they quickly filled in with mud. When will I learn? (And no, this is not Jeff typing)  It was a beautiful windy day, despite the mud. It has rained here a decent amount within the last few days. 

We drove 3 hours in our car on interstates, scenic routes, through small quaint villages, and back roads. It was odd...we'd be going 70 MPH, and all of a sudden we'd be reducing speed because we were in a village or hitting a round-about. We were arriving to Stonehenge, and you could actually see the boulders from the main road we were driving on. We were shocked. It was pretty amazing! 

We found the visitors center, and jumped on a bus that took us closer to the the mysterious boulders. We were able to snap a few photos and learn the "who, what, when, where, why" kind of thing. They were really incredible, and even bigger than I expected. 

View from the car

 Unbelievable sight!

 It measured how strong you were and how many more people you'd need to move the boulder. Jeff only needed 95 people to help him...
 I needed 99...

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